The Stress-Free Book Fair: Plants and Pajamas - Virtual and Baltimore

The Stress-Free Book Fair: Plants and Pajamas - Virtual and Baltimore

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We're introducing a new theme. The Stress-Free Book Fair is our first-ever live event! Join us in Baltimore or from anywhere in the U.S. 

  • Enjoy a lazy weekend where you'll get a stress score, participate in self-care workshops, shop with wellness and literary vendors, and leave with new pots and plants! It will be a much-needed day of relaxation, treating yourself, and prioritizing your mental health.


  • Pot-Painting Workshop: Decorate a pot
  • Self-Care Workshop: Journaling sponsored by Girls Gotta Heal + Stress Score by lazy &Lit. 
  • Plant Swap: Swap a plant with a fellow plant-parent 
  • Blind Date With a Plant: Take a quiz and leave with your perfect match!
  • Wellness Demo: Participate in a demo with a wellness expert
  • Book Discussion for Homebodies by Tembe Denton-Hurst


  • Plants and Wellness: The health benefits of having houseplants 

Other goodies:


Sunday, April 27th (Downtown Baltimore)

  • 1pm-1:30pm: Self-Care Workshop sponsored by Girls Gotta Heal
  • 1:30pm-2:15pm: Pot-Painting Workshop 
  • 2:15pm-2:45pm: Blind Date with a Plant Workshop
  • 2:45pm-3:15pm: Plants and Wellness Class
  • 3:15pm-3:30pm: Plant Swap
  • 3:30pm-3:45pm: Giveaway

Sunday, April 27th (Virtual)

  • 1pm-1:30pm: Self-Care Workshop sponsored by Girls Gotta Heal
  • 1:30pm-2:15pm: Wellness Demo 
  • 2:15pm-2:45pm: Blind Date with a Plant Workshop
  • 2:45pm-3:15pm: Plants and Wellness Class 
  • 3:15pm-3:30pm: Book Discussion for Homebodies by Tembe Denton-Hurst
  • 3:30pm-3:45pm: Giveaway

Ticket Tiers:

1. Stress-Free Basic Includes:

  1. Entry
  2. Journaling Session (BYOJ: Bring Your Own Journal)
  3. Self-Care Workshop (Stress Test/Stress Score included)
  4. Bookish Raffle
  5. Pot-Painting Workshop (Pot available for purchase at book fair; art materials included)
  6. Plants and Wellness Class 

2. Stress-Free Priority Includes:

  1. Entry
  2. Journaling Session (Journal included
  3. Self-Care Workshop (Stress Test/Stress Score included)
  4. Bookish Raffle
  5. Pot-Painting Workshop (Pot and art materials included)
  6. Blind Date with a Plant (Plant included for the first 25 people)
  7. Plants and Wellness Class
  8. Plant Swap
  9. Book Pick-Up of the Month: Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Camille T. Dungy (Book included for the first 25 people)

3. Stress-Free Virtual includes: 

  1. Entry
  2. Journaling Session (Journal included)
  3. Self-Care Workshop (Stress Test/Stress Score included)
  4. Bookish Raffle
  5. Wellness Demo
  6. Blind Date with a Plant (Plant included for the first 15 ticket buyers)
  7. Book Discussion
  8. Book Pick-Up of the Month: Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Camille T. Dungy (Book included for the first 15 ticket buyers)
  9. Event package that includes all of your materials (shipping included; shipped prior to event)

Pajamas encouraged! For the safety of our attendees, only the neighborhood is listed; the full address will be on your ticket if you are attending in person.